Monday, 28 July 2014

Monday lively listeners and super speakers.

This morning the classroom was full of chatter about weekend news.  We were showing we were lively listeners by using eye-contact, nodding and making expressions as we listened.  Mrs Allen was interested in seeing how much of our partners news we could remember.  What a great way to start the new week!

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Te Wiki o te Maori - Maori Language Week.

This week is Maori language week.  We have started the term by asking how the person is who comes after ourself on the roll.  Kei te pehea koe?  We are learning different responses depending on our mood in the morning.  We are also learning three songs in Maori and we will perform these to the rest of the Year 4's at our assembly next week.

We were lucky to have some tamariki from Rooms 1 and 2 visit us and teach us some Maori language. They sung the beginning of the national anthem with us and helped us to pronounce the words correctly.  They shared their Mihi and we even wrote our own Mihi.  The children then handed out a colouring competition - due this Friday.  Thanks for the wonderful teaching.

Happy Birthday Jessie

Jessie celebrated her 8th birthday in the holidays.  She was lucky enough to go to New Plymouth and spend some time with her family and grandparents up there.  We loved hearing about your birthday on Monday and are pleased you had such a great day.